A local event for designers who talk about design at scale and new product development
A brief overview
DesignOps Talk is your go-to place to get at that clarity we all seek—to understand the state of the DesignOps practice and consider the increasingly complex demands being placed upon design practitioners and leaders.
The event is organized around 3 domains within 6 lectures. Experienced design leaders from our local community will share their organizational knowledge and practices.
The event will be held in Bulgarian
How our work creates impact
Teaching for design impact
How are we preparing design students for field work? What works (and what doesn't) in teaching theory? The generation gap: growing at 144 fps (attention span, data perception speed, values and instincts). Overlapping academic and commercial work is good for your health.
This presentation will explore the process of building an MVP from a designer's perspective, guiding you through the initiation of radical innovations right from the beginning
Designers & org structures: Who are we and why are we here?
We'll navigate the intricacies of product design and examine the often conflicting relationship between user-centric methodologies and the fast-paced, results-oriented nature of business operations of today's leading tech companies.
Design Systems: Establishing a Single Source of Truth
How challenging is it to build, implement and maintain a design system for a 30 year old brand with 4 million clients? It's a story with lessons and advice.
UX Leadership Chronicles: Navigating Failures, Triumphs, and Learning Along the Bumpy Road
Join me on a UX designer's adventure stepping into team leadership, where we'll explore the ups and downs, finding the sweet spot between gut feelings and data-driven choices. Discover practical tips for working smoothly across departments, improving how we communicate as leaders, and making clients happy and successful.